By Anonymous - 13/10/2010 14:45 - Brunei Darussalam

Today, my crush walked me home. As my mom opens the door, she tells me in Russian how ugly he is, and that I have extremely bad taste. Out of all the languages in the world, he happens to be fluent in Russian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 859
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

davek 36

In Soviet Russia, mother insults YOU!!


FYL for having to be in that situation. FyourmomsL for having something she intended to be private come out, although she gets a YDI too for saying it in the first. Fyourcrush'sL for having to hear that. Damn, can't catch a break, can you guys?

punky3240 1

ahahaha this is so funny xD but seriously FYL!

usualy Russian moms are bitches that think they better then most,but Russian girls are hot n Russian kids r good friends 2 hang out with,

redrovaa 0

Oh, and when did you get the chance to meet every single Russian mom?

samicna 4

Well your mom actually helped! most people like the forbidden object! if the guy thinks your mom doesn't approve then he might just. pursue to piss her off! thank her with grandchildren from the ugly guy

#20, you slaughtered the spanish language. Next time just say it in english so you don't look so dumb!!

EvilDave 13

OP, you should have kissed him and told your mom she has not taste in men.

Where are all of the 'In Soviet Russia' comments?

samadams42 0

in soviet Russia language speaks you

Fortuitous 0

Man, they aren't all that funny, and you've gotta admit that they have gotten old. There was one that was pretty funny, but it's all the way up. ^^^

Funny or not, since this FML has to do with speaking Russian, I was expecting too see lots of Soviet Russia comments.