By bbbeast - 28/07/2009 02:42 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad asked me if I'd started smoking, I gave him a big speech about how I never have and never will. Two hours later, he found my stash of cigarettes under my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 983
You deserved it 136 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slayerdme 0

Why would you even smoke in the first place? Think you're cool huh?

trilingualotaku 0

ydi for 2 reasons. 1=bad hiding spot. 2=for lying. ... have a nice day :D


liar liar pants on fire! i always yell at my dad for smoking. think about it from his point of view. would you really wnt someone you love to do that to themselves?

Guitarist45 0

ydi for smoking and being an idiot. simple as that.

ktg_6172 0

YDI cuz You coulda been hiding something a lot cooler. . .like cocaine

PurpleHaze23 0

VictimOfTheft, what exactly is your point? If someone who you don't even know wants to smoke (in this case Hallelujahrip) then you have no business telling them what they should or shouldn't do. Just because you're non-smoker, it doesn't mean you have the right to talk down to non-smokers as if they're beneath you. You need a major reality check. It's not like being a non-smoker makes you completely flawless and mighty because you're certainly not. Just like you said this isn't the 1930s, I'm gonna tell you that this is the 21st century. I think it's time to be more tolerant and accept other people even if they do things you don't necessarily agree with.

Rickyy_fml 0

Wow dude dumb ass YDI for doing ciggaretes wtf? At least do weed.

SarahBabyCakes05 0

well thats what you get for lying. if you're big & bad enough to be smoking, man up and admit it. don't be a little 2yearold & lie about it.

YDI. My dad asked if I'd been smoking and I told him straight up. My parents were disappointed in me, but they let it go, it was my stupid choice and they smoke anyway, so they couldn't be hypocritical. But you just lied, so yeah, ydi.

Lexi_girl123 0

well it could of been worse,they could of caught you smoking.