By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, my Dad called me to tell me that he had finally won the lottery and that I no longer had to worry about trying to find a way to pay for school. I was so excited I started crying. He then told me that he won $5 on a scratch off lotto ticket. He bought a sandwich. Funny dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 459
You deserved it 9 165

Same thing different taste


That was mean. Getting your hopes up sky high, and then he just ruins it.

sarahvalasco 0

my dad would've done something similar :P

aquariusgirl212 0

Maybe you would have gotten a scholarship if you could spell sandwich?

crazy_cat_lady 0

LOL #12 so funny!!! Mmmmmmmm....... sandwich...................

_mcs_ 0

My father would do the same thing to me. Only, I would have known better.