By accident - 14/02/2014 22:41 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad gave me the sex talk. After telling me all the stuff I already knew, he told me never to use Durex condoms. He said, "They break a lot. That's the only reason you're around today, really." then chuckled to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 051
You deserved it 5 828

Same thing different taste


skyeyez9 24

Well, you are alive and here. He and your mom loved you enough to bring you into this world and not abort you. I was conceived at a party with lots of alcohol and debauchery involved or so I was told. So I was an "oops" baby as well. Not a big deal.

Its ok, I was an accident, as was my brother. My sister was the only one who was planned. They wanted three kids, just slightly different timing. I think a lot more people are "surprises" than they realize.

Funny how he told you on Valentine's Day ;)

It's OK OP. I was a mistake too. I came five years earlier than what my mom wanted, so don't feel bad. That's ****** up though.

Maybe he used that so that you could be around? Don't worry about least you weren't aborted...

well at least we know your mon dont swollow.

Cadillac4427 8

Magnum is the way to go dear.. and they feel great.- Should it feel creepy? A grown woman telling this to teenager who essentially might be under 18? Where is Doc Bastard when you need him for advice ?

At least now you know not to use Durex!