By accident - 14/02/2014 22:41 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad gave me the sex talk. After telling me all the stuff I already knew, he told me never to use Durex condoms. He said, "They break a lot. That's the only reason you're around today, really." then chuckled to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 051
You deserved it 5 828

Same thing different taste


Yeah, I'm sure the dad is just joking around. My mom told me that I was the product of the 2% failure rate on her birth control pills, but it's not like she doesn't love me. On the contrary, I'm her favorite child. ;)

Durex is probably the only condom that has never broken on me.

It's not the size that matters, it the force.

TT132 0

He's not kidding. Durex condoms are the bane of the childless couple