By accident - 14/02/2014 22:41 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad gave me the sex talk. After telling me all the stuff I already knew, he told me never to use Durex condoms. He said, "They break a lot. That's the only reason you're around today, really." then chuckled to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 059
You deserved it 5 829

Same thing different taste


Sorry OP. But look on the bright side! Now you know to never use Durex condoms. I'm sure he still loves you.

Sex is something you'll have to learn about through life experience. "The talk," is overrated.

Why so many negative votes? The talk is awkward, embarrassing for both parent and child and they usually don't connect. I've never known anyone who said their talk was anything but uncomfortable and pointless.

I've gotten talks since I was 10 years old and I can honestly say that I was a hell of a lot more informed when it came to sex, different kinds of contraception, and what to do in an emergency than my friends who didn't get the talk. The talk is something that you have to have because for all you know your kid could be getting all their sex education from their friends (who will inevitably be extremely ignorant) or they could be at a school that teaches abstinence only (which isn't very helpful). There are too many risks involved to allow your child to learn about sex using trial and error and, to be honest, that's just irresponsible parenting.

Improper use is the most likely the cause of a condom breaking. Good for him for at least attempting to educate. Being direct can be more helpful than joking about it.

How is this an FML? There are heaps of people walking around today that are the result of a 'whoopsie'.

Lots if people were surprise miracles :) At least he is talking to you about that. That shows he cares in my opinion.

My parents never gave me the talk or anything, the school and society did that for me

I don't understand how this is such a bad thing. Your father obviously loves you and cares enough to have 'the talk' with you. Lots of people are walking around today because of a 'whoopsie'.

This is how NOT to inform your child they were an accident.

cryssycakesx3 22