By coolbeans123 - 10/05/2011 16:37 - Singapore

Today, my dad texted me while I was in school saying, "Your cat vomited. Covered it up with a bowl so you can clean it when you come home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 515
You deserved it 7 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's what my family does except they don't warn me I just kinda step in it

...I'm not sure whether to laugh or be disgusted.


Brookiebear167 0

Dude, my rents are the exact same way. Losers. >.

flickyourbic1223 7

This FML made me laugh so hard.

totally happened to me but it was my dog so I wasn't that surprised. if it was yours then u should have to clean it up

I agree that the cat is OP's responsibility, however the father was being lazy. OP would have cleaned it up but he/she was at school. Who would leave cat vomit on the floor? That is unsanitary and just gross. OP's dad could have cleaned it up for the sake of cleanliness...

ohcomeonsrsly 6

This is basically happened to me... And it kind of ticks me off. It's just illogical to leave the cat vomit there. It doesn't matter if it's OP's cat (not to mention, for example, my cats are as much mine as my dad's, but when they do something wrong he always refers to them as my cats, not his. when he's petting them, he always calls them his), the dad shouldn't just leave it there. It's unsanitary, and it'll just be harder to clean up later. Everyone is saying the OP needs to take responsibility, and that if she can't take care of the cat, she shouldn't have it. She was AT SCHOOL. It's not that she's not taking care of her cat, she's just away at the moment (no one stays with their pet 24/7, it's not possible.) The dad should have cleaned it up, it's not like it would take long, and yelled at her later. And furthermore, the OP doesn't say that she's not going to clean it up when she gets home. She doesn't say she's not going to "take responsibility" for it, now does she?

^ Agreed 100%. Really, why would anyone just leave vomit on the floor? That's just pure laziness, not to mention really nasty.

RainbowHeadache 2

Why would he yell at her later for something she had no control over? That's something parents do I'll never understand. Honestly, if parents complain about a pet ruining the carpet because they decided to leave it until their kid gets home from where ever they might be, even if they're gone for days it's their fault. Carpet is expensive yo replace so which would they rather do? Waste hundreds on carpet/have a nasty ass carpet or take 2 minutes to swallow their pride & clean it themselves. They agreed on letting the kid have the animal & if they didn't then they shouldn't have let their kid walk all over them & con them into keeping it if all they're going to do is bitch about it.

ohcomeonsrsly 6

Agreed!! I only added that part about yelling because that's generally what parents do. :P

maryrain 0

how very considerate of him

its his cat not the dad's. stop whining . I would do the same