By cheersdaddy - 08/06/2011 14:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad was given 2 VIP tickets to see my favourite band in concert next week. You can now find them on eBay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 667
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blackmail111 9

no because his dad is selling them


Bid on them and see if he makes you pay when you win ;)

Flutist 3

i think he wouldn't give them to Op.

sell the car use that money to bid for tickets

BeastNerd 3

Are you calling her a hooker?

101- I'm having a difficult time telling if you're insulting her or hitting on her.

grumpybarista 0

So these must be your options: 1) get on eBay, 2) work out a deal with him directly, 3) be a whiny ingrate. I guess you made your choice.

musicphreakk 0

oh wow, I would hate that. just be like " those are MINE!"

rawrrawrrachael 0
lilhardrocker 2

yeah but they aren't the ops soo point invAlid and op... oh well its probably a stupid boy band that you won't care about in 2 years

chemeesh 0

Bid for them and you don't have to pay since it's your dad?

itsmeyippie 0

If he would give them to his daughter for free he would never put them on eBay in the first place

well that's no good op. try talking to him or something maybe? you aren't entitled to those tickets though, so he can do what he wants with them

creepyguy- why is your pic the same as hers?

creepy guy- I'm pretty sure your username explains why your picture is the same as mine.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Lmfao. I thought she actually replied to her own comment for a second there...

shrimp1234 4

you should buy them off eBay then steal the money

I feel for you op, so um what band was it? And since your dad is selling the tickets, could you get me a discount?