By Margo - 15/11/2011 15:16 - United States

Today, my daughter-in-law taught my 4-year-old grandson to burst into tears and yell, "Am I not good enough for you?" whenever I ask her if she's going to have any more children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 260
You deserved it 64 285

Same thing different taste


Jeffers123 5

Well answer da kids question. Is he enough?

combatbunny 9

At least your daughter in law has a good sense if humor lol

hahaha she's genius for that. seriously though, if you ask her that often to where she felt the need to teach her kid that...then you probably need to back off.

I burst into laughter. Like genuine laughter. Tell her I said thank you, as I have not laughed like that in many years.

lazy_ella 7

How many times have you been asking your daughter-in-law such a personal question for her to use her son like that? It is none of your business, you don't know what has gone on in their lives and obviously have little respect YDI