By Margo - 15/11/2011 15:16 - United States

Today, my daughter-in-law taught my 4-year-old grandson to burst into tears and yell, "Am I not good enough for you?" whenever I ask her if she's going to have any more children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 260
You deserved it 64 285

Same thing different taste


u should record the kid and send the video to americas funniest videos , id love to see that , cute kid and funny too

You all suck. You for being in her business. Her for getting the 4-year-old to bring it to your attention instead of telling you outright. The 4-year-old for fake crying. And your son for not having the backbone to get you all to cut the shit.

Totally deserve it! You shouldn't be asking her, let alone with the grandchild present. Sure you want another grandchild, but that is your son and daughter in law's private affects their lives way more than yours. Learn tact, and you won't have to go through that again.

princessmollysue 9

Maybe you shouldn't push her so much , but that was kinda of funny, but I feel kinda of bad for the kid because he probably going to think it's true .

Quiet_one 22

You ask her THAT MUCH? YDI. Mind your own business - problem solved.

zann_fml 2

To those that say the daughter in law should have told the mother in law to mind her own business, I did that with my mother in law. She didn't. Finally she RUDELY brought up us having more kids at a Christmas dinner 2 months after my 3rd miscarriage in 4 years (I had one child in those 4 years as well). I looked at her and said "Well, after 4 pregnancies in just under 4 years my doctors don't feel that I should continue trying. If YOU have an issue with it that's not my problem." while forcing myself to cry. This was the 10th time she had brought it up in 2 months. Keep in mind, she knew that it took me two years to get pregnant and she knew about all the losses. She just didn't care. To the OP . . . shut the hell up if you want to have any relationship with your son, daughter in law & grandson. Because I will tell you this, after that comment at Christmas dinner I flat out told my husband that was it & that if she commented again I would never see her again, and she would never see our son again because he obviously wasn't enough. You have no idea if they are dealing with secondary infertility, a medical issue that means she can't get pregnant for some reason. You have no idea if she had to have something done when she had the one child that took her fertility. You have no clue so shut the hell up. People like you need to shut your mouths. I say GOOD for your daughter in law!!!

u sound like my grama she's a royal .... and nothing my family does is any good

Ryansly_85 0