By Margo - 15/11/2011 15:16 - United States

Today, my daughter-in-law taught my 4-year-old grandson to burst into tears and yell, "Am I not good enough for you?" whenever I ask her if she's going to have any more children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 260
You deserved it 64 285

Same thing different taste


Score one for dil. My mil was always on me about kids even after we found out I couldn't.

perdix 29

You shouldn't be asking your daughter-in-law such of a question in front of your grandson anyways.

TalkinSmack 6

Ha! With a brat like that, are u sure you want more grandkids?

squarecircles 13

I have no children and people still know better than to bug me with that question. You should appreciate the grand child you've got.

coper169 0

whoa that's jacked up man. YDI though for asking such a question.

herekittehkitteh 7

Your daughter-in-law is my new idol.

OP sounds like my mother. I'm saving this one to use....

skyeyez9 24

Why pester her for more kids? Yes you may love your grandson and want more, but your daughter in law is the one who will have to take care of her baby and young son. Easy to want more when you dont have to shoulder all the.childrearing yourself.