By MakeMyDay_27 - 27/06/2011 16:46 - United States

Today, my daughter told me that my head is shaped like a kidney bean and that I'm lucky she even talks to me in public. She's 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 955
You deserved it 5 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell her it runs in the family and that soon her head will be shaped just like yours!


IndiRae 9

Or are the kidney beans shaped like your head? No prolly not.

horses usually don't walk into bars

Great kid you have there. She might just grow up to be like Paris Hilton if you're lucky.

jessamy_brit 5
maryburnsgreen 0
alex6946 10

I feel your pain. I have a three year old sister who threatens to put me in the corner if I don't want to play with her.

hoopster42 0

hey that means she will be popular in highschool!

mismonroe 0

What do you know, you're high.

Athoritaahhh 0
lmaoatall 6

dude, she's 6. you don't smack a child in the face. that's not cool.

SneakherHead 5

yeah that's true don't hit kids "PUBLICLY" :D