By MakeMyDay_27 - 27/06/2011 16:46 - United States

Today, my daughter told me that my head is shaped like a kidney bean and that I'm lucky she even talks to me in public. She's 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 955
You deserved it 5 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell her it runs in the family and that soon her head will be shaped just like yours!


It's true, you're lucky. 6 year olds are like the executives in a giant company.

stuffedanimal111 0

ouch. that's when u show the kid hat being a smart mouth gets you

jackrileymac 4

shave her head and make fun of her

randiZ25 0

I hope you never reproduce..

babygirl46 0

geez! what a rude little girl

She's 6, it's not really fair to use her as a representation if society.

auburnfancade 0