By grrr1234 - 01/07/2012 16:00

Today, my daughter told me that she wanted to live with her father because they have a faster internet connection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 678
You deserved it 6 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there anything to value more in life than this?

And so the gaming generation for girls keeps growing... :3


That sucks, but maybe he just wants to live with her father and did not know how to tell you. Just double check cos i know how kids nowadays love Internet but maybe that's not the reason why she wants to leave.

Reminds me of myself...which is sad. Disregard mother, get internetz.

"Would you be interested in switchingz your internet service providingz to a provider that providez a better service of internet service providingz than your current providingz?"

Dude. I use the Z sometimes. Thanks to ICanHasCheezburger. Think about that, smart one.

Briiyahh 7

The Internet has taken over the world I tell you!

That's valid; being an online gamer internet is very important.

Sounds like she's getting old enough for a part-time job.

obviousboy 8

Good girl. Unless it's for FarmVille. Then bad idea, very bad.

FarmVille is the stupidest game ever invented.

Once your daughter is old enough I'm going to marry her.

Because I like girls who recognize the value of high bandwidth.

Keliosan 6

This seems kind of like a joke to me...while I'm sure there are plenty of extra spoiled youngins out there, maybe she was just kidding.