By Anonymous - 01/06/2011 18:06 - United States
Same thing different taste
Gone girl
By OwndPattie - 20/11/2022 02:00
By independant - 08/11/2018 08:30 - United States - Corvallis
By angrymother - 27/07/2016 01:21
Step-father, right?
By Marytza - 25/06/2024 18:00 - United States
Proud Papa moment
By Anonymous - 19/11/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
My kid, the playa
By baldiesmom - 29/08/2021 08:01
By makdra - 06/01/2016 18:01
By NotSoComfortable - 17/12/2015 09:10 - Italy - Pontecchio Polesine
Not so sweet brat summer
By Anonymous - 03/09/2024 06:00 - United States
By Nuts - 07/11/2015 02:55 - Canada - Grimsby
Top comments
Wow. she just turned 18. and she has had sex with "boyfriendS"? something is wrong with that picture.
Having dated more than one guy by age 18 is wrong? For all you know, it could be just two, and she could have dated one from age 14 to 17, and then started dating the other at 17, and not had sex until she was 16 or 17. Or, you know, she could have a string of 20 different guys from the past 5 years. Whatever.
YDI that's kind of an ignorant way of looking at things here. I didn't have sex until I was 19 with my girlfriend of three years, but that doesn't mean I didn't want to years before. Obviously the same mindset as the OP's daughter, and gathering what we can from the story OP seems to not have been able to instill a "mature" mindset about sex in their daughter. And pointing out "how disrespectful kids are these days" is also a very ignorant statement. I know for a fact you don't know how kids acted two centuries ago compared to three-four decades ago; you can't possibly be that old, and you don't even know the context of OP's/OP's daughter's actions. Also having more than one sexual partner before 18 is not "awful". That is your opinion and luckily I'm here to point it out to you, you're welcome.
sorry, but you're an idiot. I am young...but I was brought up to be respectful and trustworthy and my brother is MUCH older than I am and even we act different maturity wise. And I work with kids everyday and when I see how they treat their parents I'm shocked. Things that kids say to their parents now would have gotten me 3 spankings. My parents have always been wealthy but we had to EARN money by doing chores and stuff...we were never just given anything. That's how it should be now. kids are so damn spoiled now.
2 centuries ago she would've been married and had 2 kids and one on the way by 18
I'm an idiot. Hmm... yep, good argument, you got me.
kick her out.
File charges against the boyfriends for having sex with a minor...that will show her for being that way.
With what proof? OP had no idea about all this and all his daughter has to say is "no it didn't happen" and that's only if her bfs were older then whatever age restrictions her state has
Great idea... Ruin some boys life because he will have to register as a sex offender - all because her daughter was a bitch. Yep. That will show her..... Not! Way to think about others.
You can always tell her that since she doesn't want to follow your rules she can move out tomorrow.
... I did it in my room I did it in the living room I did it in the bathroom I did it in the kitchen I did it on the stairs I DID IT IN YOUR BED ... ydi for being over protective. I bet manson had protective parents ...
YDI for being overprotective??? how about thank you for being protective, because I know so many parents who treat their kids badly or don't care at all. Wait, I forgot this site was visited by mostly self centered ungrateful brats who won't know good parenting, and just care about themselves. F all their lives!
um, exactly, I'm glad you get it
Wait, so there's no such thing as overprotective now? I had a friend in high school who wasn't allowed to watch PG-13 movies until she was 18 (even though she could legally drive to the movie theater and watch R rated movies a year earlier). There are people whose parents literally will not let them leave the house for anything but school and completely 100% planned in detail extracurriculars with precise, specific start and end times, or they're grounded for a month (note that I am not saying parents don't have a right to know where there kids are at, of course they do...I'm saying it's ridiculous to never let them go anywhere). There are parents who still pick their kids clothes out when they're in high school, won't let them talk on the phone to people of the opposite gender, or for more than 15 minutes for any reason. There are parents who go through their kids stuff just because they can, and will call their kids' friends and interrogate them because they suspect their kid might have watched a TV show they weren't supposed to. There IS a line, and parents absolutely can be way too protective. That's not to say that all kids who think they have overprotective parents do, but there definitely is such a thing.
sounds like your daughter is a *****. Her version of "overprotective" could be you telling her to come home after her being gone all weekend or something who knows. good this is, she is 18 now so when she comes back I would have her stuff in a pile in the front yard with a free sign on it. oh and change the locks. it's only fair for being such a bitch because you care.
Wow, the amount of assumptions and ignorance in this post is astounding. I'm not even going to touch this one.
"everywhere she" no?
in my bed, on your bed, on the kitchen table, In the washing machine, in the sink, In your shower, on the stairs...
a rude awakening for what? a rude awakening for actually CARING about you? my parents are overprotective too but it's for my own good. at least they care enough to protect you. some parents don't care about their kids at all..