By me - 13/01/2011 20:48 - United States

Today, my daughter was expelled from her school for beating another kindergartener with a Dr. Seuss book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 210
You deserved it 7 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sockmonkey_Ninja 0

haha gangster daughter. as long as she isn't mugging other kids of their milk cartons she'll prolly grow out of her violent stage.


One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Black and Blue Fish?

zombunny 2

Those of you who say the kid deserved to be expelled obviously do not have children. At five years old, kids are going to hit each other. You'd be hard pressed to find a kindergartener who HASN'T struck another child at some point, regardless of how well their parents have raised them. This was a serious overreaction on the school's part.

DjSmoz 0

at least your daughter isn't the kid that got beat up by the "girl with the Dr. Seuss book"... that's gotta be worse.

again another fml that makes me think WTF?!! how r u raising your child that she would even think doing something like that is even remotely ok?

how's the weather up there? smell any rain, with your nose so high in the air? you have no idea of the entire situation, no way of knowing what kind of parent that mther us, and no way if knowing if her daughter picked up hitting from another kid in daycare. furthermore, as such an EXPERT on child rearing, I'm going to assume you have no children and will therefore tell you to shove your selfrighteous, judgemental opinions up your ass.. - from, all parents with children aged toddler +

She obviously didnt want any green eggs and ham.

Strawberry_kush 0

This FML's just begging for a cartoon... Anyway, expelling a five-year-old for hitting someone? That's completely insane.