By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 05:49 - United States

Today, my ex adopted a dog from the dog pound. It was the same dog he made me get rid of while we were still together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 619
You deserved it 8 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really liked the dog, why didn't you adopt it after you broke up with him?

Wow...that's just messed up. I mean, you kinda deserve it for abandoning your pet - that's just cruel, you should've dumped the guy as soon as he seriously suggested it so it's kinda karma. The situation is still really messed up though so FYL..


VampTat 10

You get absolutely no sympathy from me. I would NEVER allow ANYONE to tell me to get rid of my cat... Not a boyfriend, not a husband, not a roommate, not anyone, for any reason. Not even if they had allergies.

You must be a huge pushover to let someone force you into giving up your pet. People like you don't deserve animals.

I do feel bad for you, but why would you EVER give up your pet as per someone else's request? If I were dating someone who told me to get rid of my cat, I'd be like "No. The cat stays. If you have a problem with that, then YOU leave!"

Okay 1) I want every person who says, "You shouldn't have given him up" to think of every time they made a lonely cat person joke and realize that's how it starts choosing pet over human. 2) Pounds don't keep pets very long. My theory is that he was going to break up with OP wanted her dog and couldn't legally just take the dog so made getting rid of the dog a condition of staying together she relinquished legal ownership he dumped her then legally adopted the dog from the pound and boom now it's his dog and she can't do shit about it.

You should have kept the dog and gotten rid of the guy! A person who tries to make you get rid of your pet, isn't worth keeping around.