By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 05:49 - United States

Today, my ex adopted a dog from the dog pound. It was the same dog he made me get rid of while we were still together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 619
You deserved it 8 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really liked the dog, why didn't you adopt it after you broke up with him?

Wow...that's just messed up. I mean, you kinda deserve it for abandoning your pet - that's just cruel, you should've dumped the guy as soon as he seriously suggested it so it's kinda karma. The situation is still really messed up though so FYL..


alwaysbored13 14

If you cared about the dog why did you abandon him? YDI

am I the only one trying to figure out how long the dog was in the pound for him to be able to get the dog after breaking uo

Shame on you for dumping your loyal pet at the pound. Hope your ex-bf has many happy years with your ex-dog

I would never abandon my dog. Even if my partner of eight years asked me to. Sorry, you adopt a dog, you sign on for life. Only legit excuse I can see for animals needing to be rehomed is if someone is too ill to take care of their pet, they're elderly and have moved into a care facility that won't allow pets, or they've died. Abandoning a pet on moving day is bullshit. Abandoning a pet for a relationship is bullshit. I've worked with an animal rescue long enough to know what happens to the majority of the animals that end up in rescues, and how those cute little puppies end up in pet store windows. It's disgusting. My dream is to not have any animal rescues left to volunteer for, because people will grow up and be responsible for their pets and start treating them as living creatures instead of furniture.

YDI. you completely deserved it! Pets are for life not until you find something 'better'.

Speaking as someone who doesn't even really like dogs, I'd never make my boyfriend get rid of his.

Why'd you leave your dog for a guy in the first place? I mean seriously, a dog will always be there for you while, obviously a guy will **** you over and take your pet.

chkoe96 5

Shoulda been your ex right when he told you to get rid of the dog

Why the hell would you even get rid of a dog that you love, even if your bf didnt like it? ... Stupid move dude-_-

My boyfriend hated my dog at the begining... I would have never gotten rid of him for my boyfriend. Now because my boyfriend actually cared about me enough to get past his hatred for my dog they love eachother and we are a big happy family with a baby. If a guy wont get past your pet they dont really care about you.