By ygma - 01/12/2015 16:39 - United States - Mansfield

Today, my extremely religious grandmother disowned me for watching Supernatural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 447
You deserved it 2 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments


elizacandle 29

things like glad my grandparents are dead. #spnfamily

thatonetribute 31

WORTH IT! Carry on my wayward son, OP.

Tell her you feel she is an alien... Video her reaction Post on YouTube Result=money.

Be honest now, she found your wincest collection didn't she?

Ohh man! I wish i could favorite your comment.

rkphillips72 6

Imagine if you had the anti possession like me

I got the anti demon possession tattoo on my thigh and my family mostly scowled and rolled their eyes

I'm getting one next year, I just have to save up for it

TacoCat15 10

I wish I could reply with pictures. Supernatural is so awesome though.

harpr69 2

you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. put her as in a home

stayreal96 17

You dont need that kind of negativity in your life.