By ygma - 01/12/2015 16:39 - United States - Mansfield

Today, my extremely religious grandmother disowned me for watching Supernatural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 447
You deserved it 2 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments


what???? that's just wrong! who can live without Sam and Dean??

darthhera 11

People who realized the show became shit after season 5.

It didn't though. Sure 7 was a bust, so was the first half of 10, but 6, 8, 9 and 11 are pure quality like the first five were!

I thought seasons 1-10 was solid... didn't put in 11 yet because I haven't watched it, gotta wait for it to come to netflix.

Angellove_666 3

You can find the episodes on the Internet. That's how I catch up lol

MonstreBelle 29

Oh the joy that having extremely religious grandparents can bring. One time when I was a little kid and staying at my grandparents' house during the summer, my grandparents got so pissed at me for watching a violent tv show. They lectured me for 2 hours and decided to ground me for the rest of the time I was there. All because I was watching Power Rangers.

thatonetribute 31

The religious grandparent struggle. Mine constantly rip on me for liking Harry Potter.

MonstreBelle 29

The struggle is real. I was a bit older when the Harry Potter books were released, so they couldn't really punish me for that. They just told me to not bring anything Harry Potter related into their house, which I had no problem with respecting their wishes. Thankfully my mom, while very religious, never took it to level crazy. She never really cared about what tv shows and movies I watched, what kind of music I listened to, what books I read, etc. unless they were completely inappropriate for my age

Your mother raised you right! I went to a catholic school growing up, and a lot of my classmate's weren't as lucky. I listened to rock music, wore black, and I was obsessed with Harry Potter. Also, in theology, I always asked questions and 'just because' wasn't good enough of an answer for me. The other kid's parents said that I was the devil's child. In the end they ended up being ten times more rebellious than I ever was. I was happy and I got to be myself without complaints from my parents, so I really didn't have to rebel like they ended up doing.

#118 they called you the Devil's child??! Christianity is largely about kindness - not hate. And did they feel so insecure that they disciplined you for asking questions? What country did you live in? I went to a Catholic Primary School in UK and it wasn't that bad or extreme at all. Kudos to you for having the guts to stand up against the peer pressure and ask questions as you did! Hope you keep on questioning :)

MonstreBelle 29

118- Yeah, I'm glad she raised me that way. Instead of sheltering me from every little "bad" thing, she trusted her parenting and actually taught me right from wrong. Having discussions about those "bad" things (like seeing a character do something wrong during a tv show) were very common. She wouldn't just tell me what was wrong, but also why it was wrong. Her teaching instead of sheltering definitely kept me from being rebellious. I never got into any serious trouble when I was a teenager, unlike many of friends. She always encouraged me to get all of the facts before forming an opinion and never told me my opinions were wrong and never tried to change them. Even though I grew up going to church, I'm not religious and consider myself agnostic. Even though she doesn't agree, she respects my opinion. Her parenting has become a big influence on how to be a good mom and how to raise my daughter

I would disown her for NOT watching Supernatural.... But in all seriousness that sucks and hopefully she doesn't actually properly legally disown you because that's would be a wee bit over the top.

Tell her that you're training on how to protect her when God disappears because his sister escaped.

You deserve that for liking that shitty show

finally, someone else who doesn't like it

We all have a right to our opinions. Personally, I LOVE Supernatural, but if you don't like it, then thats okay. There is a way of expressing your personal feelings without being a dick about it. I can't stand Dr. Who, Adventure Time, or Steven Universe, but I don't actively insult it to a fan. When you really like something, it reflects a bit of who you are, and to outright insult somebodies fandom is a personal thing.

Spray her with holy water and say the power of Christ compels your repeatedly

Actually "Christ" does nothing, they respond to "Christo"

Hey, that show is shit. She's doing you a favor. I'm

You're what..? You're what?! Tell us! The suspense is killing me!

Talk about being stuck in a dark ages thank God your grandmother don't rule the country because most people would be put on the rack wit castrated and a host of all the pleasantries that the Catholic Church have demonstrated while having power and authority

You should have disowned her for being super religious.