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By Teenagemum - 13/07/2019 20:30

Today, my father calculated that the only way we can afford to keep the house was if I get pregnant and claim child benefits. My family now won't speak to me because I refuse to do it. I'm 15 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 186
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeeVa 7

This should be obvious, but here goes: his responsibility, not yours.


DeeVa 7

This should be obvious, but here goes: his responsibility, not yours.

please do not get pregnat and become a wellfare crackwhore. you have your whole life ahead of you. get a job, marry a guy with money.make some good decisions.

call childrens aid and say "help my dads trying to impregnate me!" theyll sort it out

On the bright side, now that you have learned what worthless pieces of shit they all are, you will have a much more cheerful time watching them struggle. In your shoes I'd take huge delight in watching that cruel bastard lose everything. **** em. You don't need them- I've been on my own since 16 and I turned out alright. You can stay in a teen grouphome or get a foster family if you tell the authorities... record some of the conversations with your phone for evidence. That's assuming this is real, which I really hope it isn't.

ripmon 1 figured you'd want to know

that doesn't even make sense. it takes 9 months to even have the baby. whsts going to save the house then?

I was told to get a divorce so if qualify for copay assistance for the only treatment of one of my autoimmune issues. My insurance covers half. Still leaves me with 2.5k. It’s amazing the ridiculous solutions people come up with for their problems. There is always other options. I found a MMJ based treatment that is working great. I get thinking outside the box. Not outside of the universe.