By Anonymous - 23/05/2015 14:50 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my father passed away. I called my boss to let him know about the situation. His only response before hanging up: "Shit, dude. Well, I'll see you in the morning, these reports won't write themselves." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 802
You deserved it 1 999

Same thing different taste


Take the time off, just call in officially notifying him why you are doing so, make sure it's recorded on your end, if your state requires you to notify the other party of the recording then do so. If he fires you, Unemployment and getting another job will be a snap. "Why did you leave your last job?" "Because my Father died, and my employer wouldn't give me bereavement leave." Done.

JustinJK 21

Yeah, that's what I thought! Canada is a very civilized country and isn't as ass backwards as America is, haha.

johnny29 14

what an asshole.. aren't there any laws about that?

what a douchebag of a boss! sorry for your loss, OP.

America has bereavement leave as well...

roys1girl 18

Well, that's a bit of a callous response.

kmw003 17

that's when you tell him "you're right, you better get on that huh?" I'm so so sorry for your loss, OP. I'm also sorry you have to deal with such an insensitive boss. /:

Cavalrysword 8

After you quit, tell us the name of the company. I wouldn't want to do business with them. My condolences for your loss.