By condom_kid - 27/07/2009 14:34 - United States

By condom_kid - 27/07/2009 14:34 - United States
By killercow - 19/04/2011 16:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/05/2012 20:53 - Canada - Courtenay
By Anon - 04/08/2013 05:36 - Australia - Perth
By dpl - 19/02/2009 21:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 12:55 - Australia
By Anonymous - 15/07/2009 00:37 - United States
By innocent - 06/01/2015 03:11 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/08/2011 22:57 - United Kingdom
By my honest father - 10/07/2013 16:33 - United States - Kansas City
By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 16:21 - United States
good thing it didn't burst open right?
You're either too young to be having sex because your mum is still doing your laundry or you're too old to be having your mum do your laundry. hahahhaa!
Mmm, bet that was nice once it had gone through the washing machine.
Wow, you're a little piggie, aren't you? :)
Exactly... If you're old enough to have sex aren't you old enough to fold your own laundry??
if you can't/don't even do your own laundry, clearly you are not mature enough to be having sex in the first place... lesson learned: do your own laundry, and you won't have to worry about shit like that.
Sweetie, I don't need your silly little points, so I'm really not too heartbroken you didn't award me any. Really, you can keep them. Following your "apple jacks" example, your original argument would have been, "apple jacks are bad for you because of the sugar." Therefore, if there were any further arguments about the nutritional value of sugar, they would be quite relevant to your argument. Get it? It works the same way for your original argument of, "this post contains a logical fallacy because it allows for anyone old enough to do laundry to have sex." However, that logical fallacy did not exist in the original comment. Therefore, it wasn't stupid. So you were backtracking by just saying, "but no, it's still dumb, just because, um... it was!" I now realize you honestly fail to see even your own stance in this argument, much less the original commenter's, so arguing with you any further would just be a waste of my time. Good luck on further developing that stunted logic of yours.
what the hell are all those comments on him being unable to fold his own laundry? home we do our laundry together, so everyone may fold it, it could be the same with him, no one said he doesn't do it on his own.
YDI be more sanitary
uhh in your pocket? did you want a souvenir?