By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 21:50 - Puerto Rico - Arecibo

Today, my father took me out for some driving lessons. I accidentally reversed while still in the driveway, and I instinctively hit the brakes. In my panic, I accidentally let go of the brakes, and ended up reversing straight into our house, all while my father yelled "NOOOOOO!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 737
You deserved it 18 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hockeygoalie13 15

Yikes. You might want to practice somewhere where you can't break anything. Empty parking lots are nice.


Awe! You'll be fine OP! I was a very nervous driver too when I first started! If you can take drivers Ed - def worth the money! But you'll be okay! It becomes automatic after a lot of practice :) I'm one of those people who get nervous an breaks almost everything and I haven't crashed a car in my entire time of driving :)

empty parking lots are good to start. good luck! someday you'll look back and laugh. until than hold your head up at least your ok

You aren't lying. Way too many idiots on the road. It really starts with the DMV. They fail you at a drivers test for things like not putting on your blinker to turn into a parking space but don't fail people for merging while going 30 mph under the speed limit and almost causing multiple accidents.

You need to learn to drive with someone who has faster reflexes so he knows what to do instantly. Also start with parking lot lessons and good luck op :)

I feel ofr you. I'm a pretty atrocious driver, but I'm learning

So, hold on: he couldn't lift the handbrake?

In some cars it's on the far left of the drivers footwell

SuperMew 22

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there...

Try some simulations... A lot of simulations.

BAHAHAHAH oh my god that's the hardest I've laughed all day. If your life isn't a sitcom, it needs to be.