By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 21:50 - Puerto Rico - Arecibo

Today, my father took me out for some driving lessons. I accidentally reversed while still in the driveway, and I instinctively hit the brakes. In my panic, I accidentally let go of the brakes, and ended up reversing straight into our house, all while my father yelled "NOOOOOO!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 737
You deserved it 18 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hockeygoalie13 15

Yikes. You might want to practice somewhere where you can't break anything. Empty parking lots are nice.


BradyButts93 13

I pictured this happening in slow motion. Don't worry OP, practice makes perfect!

I've had a really bad moment when I put my foot on the gas instead of the brake in middle of a t section while my brother in law was yelling at me to stop.. Scariest moment ever. Thank God there wasn't any traffic otherwise it would've been terrible. Anyway fyl OP, keep in mind that practice makes perfect and the best place to practice is a parking lot. Best of luck

I've hit both pedals before but never 1 instead of the other is it not instinct to you

He drives you to a massive public parking lot...then instinctively instructs you step by step of what you do..that's how I learned..,better luck next time OP...

Hey, coulda been worse. I hit a mailbox, a pear tree, and the edge of the garage when I was learning to drive. I really thought my dad was going to murder me in my sleep one night for what I did to his truck with the pear tree. But I got the hang of it, and so will you!

I feel your pain, I had to take my driving test 6 times before I passed...

thatKellykid 12

You dad should have said something other than "NOOOOO!" Like maybe advice

As a new driver you're bound to make a mistake and get in some sort of accident. My first time driving without an adult I hit a telephone pole. Hopefully you've had your accident hurting a house rather than yourself or another person. Good luck with your driving.

The handbrakes are there for a reason..

I hit a restaurant when I was learning stick shift. Oops! I know that feeling OP!