By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 21:50 - Puerto Rico - Arecibo

Today, my father took me out for some driving lessons. I accidentally reversed while still in the driveway, and I instinctively hit the brakes. In my panic, I accidentally let go of the brakes, and ended up reversing straight into our house, all while my father yelled "NOOOOOO!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 733
You deserved it 18 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hockeygoalie13 15

Yikes. You might want to practice somewhere where you can't break anything. Empty parking lots are nice.


That's why I think you should actually leave your house if you're going to "go out" driving for the first time, like in a big empty parking lot to get to know the controls and feel of the car to start off with

I first tried driving car near a grand hilly reservoir location and nearly hit the dam and almost fell into water... I am still not out of that fear.. sorry OP I know how it feels..

merryhappy1887 20
mxij 13

All these learning drivers FMLs scare the crap out of me.

Parents that dont let their kids drive before are gonna have this problem, ive been driving since 8

squideth 18

That's funny, I didn't start seriously driving until I was 20 and I have never hit anything or been in an accident.

Lol wow that's sad..I actually laughed

It's both not OP's fault and is. When a person gets behind the wheel. They tend to get a bit over excited and blanks out in stuff. So it's half not your fault. It is, however that you panicked and took your foot off the brake. Normally when you panic you would expect somebody to push it down harder.