By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 21:50 - Puerto Rico - Arecibo

Today, my father took me out for some driving lessons. I accidentally reversed while still in the driveway, and I instinctively hit the brakes. In my panic, I accidentally let go of the brakes, and ended up reversing straight into our house, all while my father yelled "NOOOOOO!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 733
You deserved it 18 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hockeygoalie13 15

Yikes. You might want to practice somewhere where you can't break anything. Empty parking lots are nice.


lightanddark 17

I'm sure you know how it is: having a passenger yell "NOOO" actually significantly increases your skills while you make a mistake :D

You can't even tell the difference between your car being in drive or reverse? Please do us all a favor and invest in a bus pass.

B1ackthesun 31

they are LEARNING, cut them some slack.

i don't think you should drive... normal people dont **** up that bad even if its their first time

Yes they do. Driving does not come naturally to everyone. Doesn't mean they can't learn. I had a hard time learning to drive too, managed to make my dad temporarily hate me for what I did to his truck, but by the time I got my license I completely knew what I was doing. Haven't been in or caused a wreck yet in my 7 years of driving. Don't discourage the kid like that.

Wow, sorry OP. I have yet to take my first driving lesson and I'm quite nervous

I already had over 5k km under my belt before my first professional driving instruction it really isn't hard to do

cheezball63 8

The first time I drove I forgot to close the and the door hit the wall with the door

The third time my dad made me fill up the truck while I was learning, he got in the truck as I was closing the door and it somehow managed to get stuck behind a post and I had to drive forward a bit to close the door.

I hit a donkey when my parents took me to practice down in Tijuana. On the plus side, if you can drive in Mexico, you can drive anywhere lol... Just relax, breathe, & you will get better OP :-)

Am I missing something here? What the hell did you expect him to do? Doesn't look like there was time to do anything else.

My first time behind the wheel my dad was pushing the car into the driveway and right before I hit my dads truck I realised I had no clue where the break was. We all make mistakes just learn from it and its probably best to try again in a parking lot and not your driveway.

Deep breath, OP. Maybe your dad isn't the best instructor, if he had you pull out of the drive before you were ready. Can anyone else teach you?