By Anonymous - 03/06/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, my fiancé nervously sat me down for a "serious chat". The chat wound up with him asking if we could postpone our wedding, because his World of Warcraft guild had a raid scheduled for the same day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 932
You deserved it 10 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idonebeenhad 17

as far as I know, there is NOTHING in wow worth postponing a wedding for. Even if it was a world first deathwing. Yes, I'm a nerd Life>wow

Rico_Mal1116 0

Why would someone do that..? There is a time for fun and games and a time for life..


HIwaiian 1

his guild is already on the new patch raids?! gawd dam he's a champ! :D

YDI for dating a little boy. Start dating men with real careers and responsibilities.

blargheria 0

haha I laughed so much. good choice. did you guys postpone it?

kingatowning 2

the guy is loyal to his guild. can't really be to mad about that. then again, looks like he's married to his right hand already! (Or his fleshlight)

I LOVE World of warcraft. :p FYL though.

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

Wow, kids marrying kids.... are you both 12?

almedalove 0
shagoopi 2

you should say your busy the day u guys postponed the wedding to

that's ******* awesome my boyfriends a noob like that too but it shows great commitment to WOW idk? hahahaha