By Anonymous - 03/06/2011 23:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Lady Cuntsnatch of Fallopia - 04/01/2015 01:30 - United States - Yuba City
By Marie - 17/10/2012 05:16 - United States - Jacksonville
By Sad.To.Be.Me. - 13/01/2012 23:56 - United States
By fuck off, dad - 04/04/2014 21:31 - Colombia
By Noname - 13/02/2009 03:46 - United States
By unwed - 11/12/2010 06:56 - United States
By dumpedovergame - 06/07/2009 10:51 - United States
By WoWWidow - 02/09/2011 08:02 - United States
Shelve your plans
By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States
By cestquoicebordel?? - 14/08/2012 22:50 - France
Top comments
his guild is already on the new patch raids?! gawd dam he's a champ! :D
YDI for dating a little boy. Start dating men with real careers and responsibilities.
I LOVE World of warcraft. :p FYL though.
that's ******* awesome my boyfriends a noob like that too but it shows great commitment to WOW idk? hahahaha
as far as I know, there is NOTHING in wow worth postponing a wedding for. Even if it was a world first deathwing. Yes, I'm a nerd Life>wow
Why would someone do that..? There is a time for fun and games and a time for life..