By Anonymous - 03/06/2011 23:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Lady Cuntsnatch of Fallopia - 04/01/2015 01:30 - United States - Yuba City
By Marie - 17/10/2012 05:16 - United States - Jacksonville
By Sad.To.Be.Me. - 13/01/2012 23:56 - United States
By fuck off, dad - 04/04/2014 21:31 - Colombia
By Noname - 13/02/2009 03:46 - United States
By unwed - 11/12/2010 06:56 - United States
By dumpedovergame - 06/07/2009 10:51 - United States
By WoWWidow - 02/09/2011 08:02 - United States
Shelve your plans
By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States
By cestquoicebordel?? - 14/08/2012 22:50 - France
Top comments
It's probably someplace he's seen 20 ******* times already. Tell him losing his deposits on everything when you cancel and can his ass will ultimately cost him more than missing out on a piece of armour that gives him a few more points of stamina.
Hmm... That is exactly the kind of response somebody from the horde would type, that's why alliance wins. We never quit even when horde turtles like the cowards they are-or in this case for a wedding-. Now comes the downrating from horde.(:
It's a freaking guild raid! Maybe if she played and they got married in wow he'd show up
That's why you say, "Better yet, let's just cancel it!"
Be glad it was a WoW raid and not a Maplestory horntail or pink bean run... Look it up!
Hun.. I created an FML account JUST b/c of this post. DUMP HIS SORRY ASS. TRUST ME. I've been down that road. And almost married that shit. You will NEVER ...ever... come before 'the guild'.. and the 'people in Australia.. and Japan' that are 'depending on' him.. Fast forward: You guys have a kid... YOUR KID won't ever come ahead of 'the guild'... AND the poor thing will have his genetics. CHUCK THE RING AT HIM, RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK!
as far as I know, there is NOTHING in wow worth postponing a wedding for. Even if it was a world first deathwing. Yes, I'm a nerd Life>wow
Why would someone do that..? There is a time for fun and games and a time for life..