By Anonymous - 20/12/2014 20:00 - United States - Framingham

Today, my fiancé pawned off my engagement ring so he could buy himself a PS4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 639
You deserved it 4 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iTzSelverZz 14

Did he at least buy two controllers so you wont be left out?


We'll pawned is better than sold right? Still that was your gift not his to do whatever he wants. Tell him to go get it back :) if he loves you enough to purpose he'll understand :D

Dump him, it's a huge red flag. You don't want to end up marrying a console peasant ;P.

andro6657 10

I got one for my bday, I wanted magic cards and action figures tho

You're seriously complaining about getting $300 piece of machinery?! Grow up and be grateful!

That is a huge red flag. If toys are more important to him than your happiness/the symbol of your relationship, just get out of there. There are plenty of guys that would put you first.

Popsicletickle 5

He ain't tryin to marry you. He's playin games