By Anonymous - 09/02/2013 16:11 - Canada - Stoney Creek

Today, my fiancé told me that it would be okay with him if I got plastic surgery to make my boobs larger. It would also be okay with him if I didn't get the surgery, but he would call off our engagement and never talk to me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 769
You deserved it 6 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a dick! l don't usually condone leaving over stupid shit, but LEAVE his ass!

Tell him it would be okay with you if he had a larger package, and if he doesn't grow it within a week, the engagement is off and you'll never talk to him again.


perdix 29

You shouldn't have led him on like that. It's like telling him you're into threesomes and then backing down.

Tell him to eat a dick! Don't change yourself for anyone! If he doesn't like you like you are, this shït won't last

Don't marry this asshole. You deserve a lot better. Dump his sorry ass!

Oh well if he doesn't like you the way you are then to keep it moving.

chillypalmer 7

So your fiancé wants hard fake breast to love and to hold? Lol what do you want? Is the question??

he knows what he wants. lol. no really though, sorry OP. that sucks.

Rainb0wdash9 23
Epikouros 31