By IDon't - 13/10/2013 10:49 - Australia - Berkeley Vale

Today, my fiancée told me she can't marry me. Our wedding day is tomorrow and around 20 of our 180 guests attending have travelled half way around the world just for the occasion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 147
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood how people can just not go through with a wedding. That's a pretty selfish thing to do.


that's too bad! Better luck next time!

I'm so so sorry to hear that OP! That must be rough and that incredibly selfish of your fiancée!

thats fuked up ...*** that bitch there is alot more WOMEN out there their just hidding in the crowd of girls

emirie 21

Goodness, your spelling is terrible.

You couldn't even spell your swear word right!

TrinityNevada 11

There's no way you deserve it unless you cheated and verified that you did at the last minute. Or, any similar serious deal-breaker reason. (Like maybe you slapped her or something). Otherwise, I feel for you and you can totally have the wedding, try to hold your head up high and not bad-talk her. that alone will show everyone who the better person is. Hopefully, any of the friends you have that are mutual will ditch the bitch and continue hanging out with her. is there any way to sue her for the financial and mental-health damage she caused? If so, I would definitely do everything you can to make sure that's exactly what happens to her.

So she should have married him if she didn't love him unless he was unfaithful or abusive? Seriously? The fact that she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with him should have nothing to do with it?

TrinityNevada 11

No. Not at all. There's nothing wrong with cancelling a wedding, it's just stupid to do so at the last second unless OP did something awful (like smacking her around, cheating ... whatever OP's ex "deal breaker" is). it's POSSIBLE we're not getting the whole story, but I'm only going off of OP's words that Ex did it at the last second with no reasoning. Of COURSE I wouldn't want or expect anyone to go through with a wedding if there's abuse. I just basically think she's a b**ch for waiting so long.

Sometimes you don't know until the last minute. I realized 2 days before I married my ex that I was making a huge mistake but I went through with the wedding anyway.Trust me, we both ended up wishing I had called it off instead of going through with it. He didn't do anything wrong, it was just as we started calming down from all the planning and reality started sinking in I realized I didn't want to spend my life with him. Planning a wedding can be consuming and you forget there will be a marriage at the end of the wedding. You aren't conscious of it, it just happens.

ulissey_fml 22

Have yourself the most unforgettable breaking up party, then post her the bill.

perdix 29

Tell her to play along and when the guests leave, you can get an annulment. You'll probably get to keep most of the sweet wedding gifts!

I know you're only joking, perdix, but... That actually sounds like a brilliant idea. What kind of ******-up cynic does that make me?!

ahhhh true love is still alive and well I see. ;)

perdix 29

I'm not saying a guy and girl should set out to scam their wedding guests, but since these two got this far, it doesn't seem to be a bad plan.

JMichael 25

Well what was the reason she can't?

Some of you are ignorant. First, she said yes when he asked her bc she did want to marry him..then she realized she didn't. Yes the timing sucks but trust me, from personal experience, I can say its better to call of the wedding before...even 10 mins before than go through with it. To the OP I know it sucks right now but you are better off.

Shouldn't a wedding be a happy moment