By IDon't - 13/10/2013 10:49 - Australia - Berkeley Vale

Today, my fiancée told me she can't marry me. Our wedding day is tomorrow and around 20 of our 180 guests attending have travelled half way around the world just for the occasion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 147
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood how people can just not go through with a wedding. That's a pretty selfish thing to do.


ariellove1992 8

Make the was-to-be wedding into a "**** that person" party. Eat the food, drink the booze, blast the music and dance till you drop. Make use of the thousands you spent on that event.

We here for you man. She obviously is a coward if she had to wait till the day before to even say something. Hopefully she wasn't just keeping that to herself till she maybe changed her mind. Keep moving forward OP

monnanon 13

she would be a bigger coward if she went through with it with misgivings. it takes courage to say something like that and know you arw dissappointing loads of people as well as hurting someone you used to love. i really dont see how it is selfish to not marry someobe you dont love.

44, it's pretty damn cruel and selfish to wait the very day before the wedding. If she truly felt that she didn't love him she should have had the backbone to tell OP WAY before then.

monnanon 13

somwtimes you think you can do something but you cant. with sonething as big as a wedding you get swept up in the planning and the happiness that everyone else is feeling but the doubts will keep coming back. its bad timing but it is not selfish because she had to consider her own feelings and not everyone elses.

Dude, feelings don't just come and go at random like that. Obviously if she was having cold feet, she was having them for a while. There's no excuse. This is also (probably) the remainder of their lives we're talking about here. Things like this need to be thought about beforehand, and it's not because people get excited for a wedding that the bride or groom in question suddenly stops thinking about what happens after the wedding.

jonahwalzer 12

How does she decide last minute like that. Thats horrible. Sorry OP.

Would you rather she marry you even though she's not sure, just to avoid disappointing all those other people? That doesn't seem like a good enough reason to marry someone.

n00b4liciou5 10

This post had NO YDIs for so long!! Why?!?!

sorry to hear that she should have said that when you proposed..

Do the follow up, I want to see how this turns out