By EastOneTen - 06/10/2012 07:28 - United States

Today, my four roommates and I contracted lice. While all our heads were slathered in mayonnaise and saran wrap, our building's fire alarm went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 328
You deserved it 3 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Psycho_Babydoll 26

For headlice you need to smother conditioner on your hair and go through it with a lice comb. Or shampoo specially for lice. YDI.

FML_14u2c 14

FYL twice over... First, for not even using the right treatment and second, for the overall awkwardness of the situation.

astralvagan 20

Get some Nix and get it over with

Hope it wasn't a false alarm or a drill

The_F3rris 11

They make shampoos that kill lice ya know.

vaseline and saran wrap works great, just very hard to wash out after, i used the lice shampoo when i was younger 3 times and didn't work, but the vaseline did, pain in the ass if you have long hair though, gl and fyl.

The nurses at my school told every kid that contracted lice to just not wash their hair for a week- you can't go to school anyways. Lice doesn't like clean hair and they either die or just go away. It worked like a charm anytime I got it.

Sounds like you've had lice quite a few times. That's kind of gross.

FlyMeAway 2

You're contradicting yourself. You say they don't like clean hair and then say not to wash it for a week.

Crap. I feel retarded. I meant "they like clean hair, they don't like dirty hair." Whoops.

Baby oil, vinegar and Saran wrap silly people! You smell like a French fry the next day but it's so helpful!

omg! i hope you guys were okay and it wasn't too embarrassing!

Well here's a little satisfaction for you at least. The reason Mayo, tea tree oil, baby oil, ect. work is because the oils coat those annoying ass lice so they can't breathe. So at least while this definitely sucks for you, enjoy knowing the little bastards are all suffocating to death!