By EastOneTen - 06/10/2012 07:28 - United States

Today, my four roommates and I contracted lice. While all our heads were slathered in mayonnaise and saran wrap, our building's fire alarm went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 328
You deserved it 3 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Mayo? I had to use like corn syrup or something, n saran wrap.

nora2011 4

Ahahahahaha! Awesome! You all looked something like used condoms!

estes816 9

Why don't you just shave your head? No hair, No lice

flat iron the lice and eggs next time

Rick_E_Fresh 0

why mayonnaise? it's really expensive

fienx 0

... Why would you use mayo? They have a section of live shampoo at any drug store. You also need to wash all your clothes, bedding, and spray down your furniture and cars. There's no excuse to not know that when Google exists.

I would want to crawl under the bed and die.

JordanDempsey 20

I tried mayonnaise, and every other trick. The best one was just dyeing my hair. I had long hair so it was Thebes’s option