By Jac - 17/01/2010 19:59 - United States

Today, my friend decided to pants me in the middle of the mall. I wasn't wearing underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 785
You deserved it 32 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pantsing still happens? I wouldve said **** it and did the helicopter

Must've given quite a breeze being in Ohio.


LauraTheKiwi 0

Why would you not wear underwear if you're out with your friends? /:

OK. at times its actually healthier not to wear underwear. for instance... to bed. i just wouldn't ever go commando IN PUBLIC. didn't say commando was bad. the timing, however, was definitely bad

the op is a women for people that don't u r probably using the iPhone or iPod app in which case people who ask if it's a girl or boy it's because they are on the app

140@ I was just about to say people ( like me with iPod ) don't know the gender.

yes I have that problem as well but I just use safari and go look or see what the majority of ppl say the op's gender is

KishiSenmatsu 0

if your friend has a habit of pantsing you, why weren't you wearing underwear?

mojo4395 0

Why can't that happen at a mall when I'm there?

Black mail your so called 'friend' after you make him/her get you what ever you want at the mall

did you start to streak lololololololololololz

thats a good way to get a yeast infection