By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 13:09 - Canada

Today, my friend posted my picture on Craigslist under the "men seeking men" section. I got 16 replies with 2 hours. He then decided to post another picture of me under "men seeking women" to compare results. The only reply I got was from a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 757
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't sweat, women who are REALLY seeking men don't look for them on CL.

mikakarie 0

Haha aww take it as a compliment.


The conclusion is obvious: become gay. You'll have more success that way. You can be like me and stick it out being straight, but be ready for lots of failure.

haha dont worry, i dont think women really seek men on craigs list.

fxdxhk90 0

Instead of looking for chicks on the internet, why don't you try stepping outside and looking for them in real life?

dore 0

at least you can pick up dudes

Having 17 people of any sex pursue your hotness in 2 hours is pretty flattering. Tell your friend that there's already enough people mucking up Craigslist, though. It's not shocking that more women aren't bothering to look for actual connections when people like to test their friends' attractiveness with fake ads.

Time to start broadening your horizons, me thinks. Something like 40% of men have bisexual tendencies that they act upon. In my opinion just about everyone can be bisexual because love transcends gender.

goddessnike13 0

Women don't troll CL like men seem to, so I wouldn't worry too much.

You probably posted them yourself and ur just blaming it on ur friend when u saw the results. Plus women don't rly go on CL unless they're lesbians and guy's are the only ones who probably check out CL. Last, it's probably a sign for a change

aw, man I'm sorry to hear that! haha, that's gotta sting. if your that interested in that stuff yo can try eharmony or some site like that. just make sure you put man looking for woman.

Well, you have a fall back plan if women don't work out for you 