By damniphone - 29/06/2013 05:31 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my friend thought it would be funny to change the language setting on my phone to Mandarin. Unfortunately, neither of us knows Mandarin, and we can't change it back to English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 109
You deserved it 8 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I did that once except that I changed it to Japanese, the FML was refused. FML

Kallian_fml 21

Time to make a new Asian friend.


hopelessefforts 9

the only logical answer I can think of is google.

Yeah,I'm a chinese. 手机Is phone 设置is setting 语言is language. 英语Is English

Go to the closest Chinatown and get some help :p

guyverzerox 6

Apparently neither of you know how to use a phone either, as most of them have pictures to show settings and the layout is not changed just because the language is. So getting to the language change is the exact same as when he did it in English.

Druu 53

Boo zhee daow. Which is mandarin for "I don't know." Sorry, OP.

Did I offend you or something, because I just corrected his pronounciation.

popeizzy 9

don't worry, in a few years China will have taken over and we will all have to learn it any ways.

This menu icons should be the same. so really not that hard to change back

Many phones have a hidden code (number) that you can punch in on the phone (dialler) keypad to reset the language to the sim card default and/or bring up the language menu. Google is your friend. Google may also be able to tell you which menu options to pick if you do not find the manufacturer's service code.

one of the first things i figure out when i get a new phone is how to navigate to the language select option cause my friends and i do this to each others phones all the time

lmao now youre going to have to master reset it

CharresBarkrey 15