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By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, my friend was saying how her "nano" died. I quickly responded by saying, "So? Recharge it." Turns out she didn't say "nano"; she'd said "nana." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 563
You deserved it 51 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you didn't tell her to forget about it and get a new one.


Blimy 0

"You can always sell it on eBay for parts.." :)

braFTW 0

If you explain the situation you'll all probably laugh at it later, specially if the friend and her nana weren't that close.. after a while, of course. ;)

xMooMoox 0

Her Grandma's dead its not like she remembers your stupid comment.

5ive 0

If only you could recharge people when they died..

callin your grandma must be some cultural thing i missed out on, but who in the hell calls your grandma "nana" where do you get "nana" from Grandma? really?

liveitlearnit 0

I never liked when people called their grandma nana. #39, I think it comes from baby talk, when kids can't pronounce things... grandma=nana.

fantome_fml 0

...People still play with Nano's? Do they even still make those? Also #39 "Nana" has been a nicname for grandmothers since forever, so aparently you live under a rock

That's a funny retort to someone's death.