By rejected - 23/04/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, my friends and I were celebrating Spring Break by going out to a club. I saw a very, very cute girl sipping a drink at the bar all by herself. Trying to be a stud I walked over and said "What are you doing Friday night?" Her response: "Not you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 179
You deserved it 79 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried to use a cheesy pickup line and you got shot down. Oh yea stud, FYL indeed.


DietBroccoli 0

As a guy myself, I've never understood why typical men don't utilize a commonly used two letter word that would vastly improve their chances of striking up a friendly conversation... Also, FML doesn't literally mean "**** MY LIFE" all the time. Sometimes it can just be "Wow, this didn't go as I planned today and it's kind of funny, so I think I'll share it" He didn't say it ruined his life.

Shelly6923 0

o my god thats a great come back! sry u got owned! hahah

I would've done the exact same thing, YDI for being so cocky.

l33tm0nk3y 0

YDI. Went about that entirely the wrong way. If you just go up to random girls and ask them out without attempting any kind of lead-in conversation, don't be surprised if you get turned down. Props to the girl for handling it so well.

dizzle_doneski 0

that's happened to me.. so i moved on to the next one, and got laid..

Wow, all you who are saying he tried to use a lame pick up line, you suck at life. Since when is "What are you doing Friday night?" a pickup line?

deviatefish 0

You're sad and pathetic. No "stud" would make that work unless the girl is smashed.