By rejected - 23/04/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, my friends and I were celebrating Spring Break by going out to a club. I saw a very, very cute girl sipping a drink at the bar all by herself. Trying to be a stud I walked over and said "What are you doing Friday night?" Her response: "Not you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 179
You deserved it 79 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried to use a cheesy pickup line and you got shot down. Oh yea stud, FYL indeed.


wow lol, i think #43 is right, but she is defffinnettly on her period.

#s 20, 25, and 130 - I highly doubt she's having a bad day, hates guys, or on her period. FYI, there are a ton of guys out there who don't back down after their pick up lines. So maybe it was rude, but you have to be careful around any guy using a pick up line.

Why not just reply back.. "I'd hope you weren't planning on having sex on the first date, because i certainly wasn't. What else are you doing on Friday?"

skittlesxmonster 5

Come now, a LITTLE introduction before you ask out a stranger wouldn't kill you, would it? Try having a conversation before using the pickup line...

Say next in your head and keep going for the next one.

So who cares. People get rejected all the time. Law of numbers. Keep trying until you hit one that's either blind or drunk.