By Noname - 13/03/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, my friends and I were drinking boba. On the side of the cup it said "Please drink carefully to avoid choking on the Boba". I started to laugh at the ridiculousness of the label, and choked on the boba in a coughing fit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 598
You deserved it 68 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf is boba? Even without knowing what it is, it sounds pretty hilarious though.

in canada we call it Bubble Tea, a world of magical yummy goodness


Vagabones 0

Yeah, your life is REAL hard. Sipping on boba and all...

We call it bubble tea here and I've always laughed at the labels that say "kids and seniors should not drink without supervision".

We call it bubble tea here. That stuff is delicious!! #9 - lol!!!

Makes me want to go to Lollicup. Sounds like one of their drinks.

ohdee 0

Sounds like someone at SUA.

I'm sorry, but I just HAVE to laugh at this. I don't think that you deserved it per say, but it's still hilarious

Easy_Target 0

"Choking on the Boba." Could a phrase get more suggestive?