By Noname - 13/03/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, my friends and I were drinking boba. On the side of the cup it said "Please drink carefully to avoid choking on the Boba". I started to laugh at the ridiculousness of the label, and choked on the boba in a coughing fit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 598
You deserved it 68 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf is boba? Even without knowing what it is, it sounds pretty hilarious though.

in canada we call it Bubble Tea, a world of magical yummy goodness


@40 That happens to me ALL the time, haha. I always think I'm choking at first and then an instant later it's gone. @people arguing over the name: It's called boba/pearls/PMT/etc depending on the person, the area and the country. No use arguing over it so stop insisting you know the 'right' name.

This is one of the best stories on this site.

rawchelllll 0

Wooooowww. Genius moves. KInda funny that the company predicted that.

LOL. Am I the only one who realized they choked on balls? *shrug* Epic.

LukeKarr22 0

Ok, so lemme get this straight. A label on a drink that said to be careful and not choke made you choke? Thats freakin' hilarious in my book, and very ironic too. I think that perhaps that company intends to kill it's customers with their drinks!!!

I love that when I went to Taiwan with my Chinese class last year the student I was staying with who was from my school and I lived off that stuff... Oh my god I wish they had more of it in the states, I also highly recomend visiting taiwain if any of y'all ever get the chance, Taipei is such fun city and the country side is beautiful practically everyone I met spoke English but my friend was bilingual and native so that helps with getting around and knowing where to go :)

I love that when I went to Taiwan with my Chinese class last year the student I was staying with who was from my school and I lived off that stuff... Oh my god I wish they had more of it in the states, I also highly recomend visiting taiwain if any of y'all ever get the chance, Taipei is such fun city and the country side is beautiful practically everyone I met spoke English but my friend was bilingual and native so that helps with getting around and knowing where to go :)