By datgirl92 - 24/05/2013 14:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my friends and I were talking about the creepy stranger that used to stalk me back in high school. I guess his looks changed a lot through the years because I found out that he's my current boyfriend of four months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 279
You deserved it 19 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Still a better love story than twilight.

Still a better lovestory than twilight.

graphicstyle7 17

Funny how things that used to be seen as actually Romantic are now seen as "stalking". Here's a hint, if someone likes you and hangs around you some, walks by your house a few times but does not bother you, and generally acts like he or she is smitten... it's actually called HAVING A CRUSH. One thing I tend to dislike about some young people is you are such delicate flowers. You're so used to having everything calculated to the minute degree so you never, ever get hurt or risk anything and you respond to certain, formerly harmless things as if they are some sort of evil plot .... jeez. So, this guy had a major crush on you forever - because I don't hear that he did you any harm at all before or actually did anything besides "look creepy" and think romantic thoughts about you that you did not happen to return. That does not make him a "stalker", it means he's really into you.

MexicanGinger 5

As long as he isn't creepy from back then, congrats! :)

Here here!! #145! Good call! He was probably shy too! I looked like a geek/ need in High school and was extremely shy. Being judged on looks alone hurts.

kalenedog 11

seems like graphicstyle7 used to be a stalker. lol.. why else would someone feel so passionatley about it.

kacironi 13

well he's no stranger anymore

Can't be that creepy if you've been with him that long

hannahsnyder69 16

Can't even begin to decide if that's creepy or romantic

OnyxChronic 9

Wow his stealth stalking abilities are amazing.