By hoovered - 04/03/2009 16:24 - United States

Today, my friends decided it would be funny to give me a "hickey" with a vacuum cleaner while I was passed out drunk. Not only do I have to try and explain this to my girlfriend, but we're meeting her parents for lunch this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 067
You deserved it 22 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2, have you never passed out before? takes a damn nuclear blast to wake up.

tendollabill 0

well you sure got nice friends....


say you got aids and are going to die in two weeks and then drive your car off a building while on lsd

kimmyeatworld 0

take a spoon and free it in ice. when it's frozen put that spoon on your neck and twist (as if you were screwing in a nail). it works! well, it's worked for me and my boyfriend at least.

wow, these remedies for hickeys sound painful. hey, if it happens again (i'm assuming you had lunch by now) and if you have some money they have makeup that covers stuff like this. if it can cover full tattoos i'm sure it can cover a hickey.

i hope you get this in time. get a D battery and rub the flat side on it for like a minute. Go to to get the whole story. its amazing. God speed lol if you believe in god or w.e lol

carriealana 0

You could cover it up with make up. Even if you're a guy, it's not like anyone would be able to tell.

adelaide_evening 0

All of these hickey-be-gone home remedies sound pretty entertaining. You know, if you go grab a leech from outside and stick it on the hickey, that should help. If you just take a knife and carve the hickey out of your skin, that'll work too. For the ultimate remedy, you're going to need dental floss, a cardboard box, a crocodile's tooth, and the blood of a virgin....

Do none of you vacuum? (Hint: The suction isn't strong enough to give you a hickey). Not even me, and I'm pale as they come and bruise easily. Not even with my Dyson. :) Unless you have some modified monster machine or something...

cobaltss06 1

A Kirby vacuum will. Dysons suck (no offense and I don't mean they literally suck lol)

linacool15 0

it's for situations like these that God invented cover-up ;)

roflcoptin 0

put a really big bandage on it or just say the vacuum thing but say you were asleep and it woke you up, instead of passed out