Wanker horn

By gran ruined masturbation - 01/06/2023 12:00

Today, if I'm out of breath, sweaty, or in a room with the door closed, my grandmother will loudly yell, "YOU HAVE BEEN MASTURBATING!" as soon as she sees me. It's been going on for three years. My parents think it's hilarious. I want to die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 182
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fight fire with fire. yell back that it's the best sex you've ever had


fight fire with fire. yell back that it's the best sex you've ever had

Or, "How COULD I, knowing YOU'RE in the house?"

You might possibly be able to shame her over this, if she can be shamed! Go for a run. Use your phone to film yourself for the last part of the run, out of breath. Keep filming in one clip, as you walk into the house, and then catch her on camera yelling, "You have been masturbating!" Spread that video far and wide: Friends, relative, neighbors. Show it in person to visitors, while she's right there in the room with you. Use it to completely discredit her, and make sure she knows it.

I agree, fight fire with fire. Some good answers would be: "Is that all you ever think about? You pervert!" "Yes, and it was amazing!!" "Yes, and then I wiped it on the curtains". Also, find the most vile, extreme **** that you can find and leave it playing on your PC on top volume. Also, actually do ********** and when you cum, loudly shout your own name. Have fun with it.

ROFLMAO 🤣🤣🤣😂 wish I had thought of those !!!

You need to yell back, "YES, TO PICTURES OF YOU IN YOUR NYLONS!" Come here Granny, gimme some sugar.