By *facefloor* - 24/07/2012 20:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I got into a heated argument at a house party. To avoid a huge scene, I pulled her into another room, during which I managed to trip over my feet and faceplant the floor. She shouted, "Hah! That's what you get!" Now everyone thinks she beat the shit out of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 080
You deserved it 5 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

That means now you can play the sympathy card to get a couple BJ's. Stretch that shit out for as long as you can.

Sounds like you guys need a vacation. Have a nice trip!


That's why you don't disagree with your girlfriend.

At least they know (think) you didn't hit her :p

Well, at least you were smart enough to not fight in front of everyone

And everyone probably laughed at you and congratulated her. But if it was the other way around, people would yell "Abuse!" and think you're a horrible person : /