By kdeeeceee - 09/11/2011 05:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I had dinner at my boss's house. Just before we were ready to eat, my girlfriend came to me with a desperate look in her eyes. Apparently, she took a dump, clogged the toilet, and it flooded. I took the hit for her, and now my boss thinks I'm a jackass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 529
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shitty situation? Wait, no, that joke sucks. But look at it this way: At least you're a gentleman! And a jackass..

Man, you're a gentleman ! So cute to do that. :)


kimmiekimmiekong 0

If ur boss gets that upset about it than he is the jack ass! Taking a shit is a normal thing and its not like "you" purposefully clogged his toilet! He will hopefully get over it!

saIty 17

I bet your girlfriend wanted to make love to you right on his dining table, after that noble act.

Buttsexpirate 9

She was all like 'Itook a shit and I don't know what to do' and I was all like 'Baby I'll take a shit for you any-day,' yep I'm the dude!

She just have to pay you back when you get home ;)

Reality_bites 14

The saying "don't shit where you eat" comes to mind . . .

That's sweet of you, don't get me wrong, but maybe you should have just let her own up to it? Your boss disliking your girlfriend isn't likely to affect your job, but if he doesn't like YOU.. Then yeah it's a bit of a problem.

rudegirlmania 10

Exactly. And I mean, how hard is it to not clog a toilet? Flush before it gets too full, it will probably take more than one flush but who gives a shit?? (haha) In the end, you won't have to stand in horror as your shit is expelled onto the floor. (and to those who might call flushing more than once a waste of water...I HOPE you don't take monster ***** often enough to actually affect anything) >_

Some toilets flush really slowly, so if she dropped a big log in one push, nothing she could do about except break it in half with something she could find.

So after you plunged your girlfriend's shit, I hope you, uh, "plunged her shit" when you got home.

It was a stretch. Almost made it, but not quite.

Yeah, I thought I'd try the every1luvsboners route for a change. That was a bad experiment gone awry.

pistolpete01 9

You might be a Jackass, but your good jackass in my book >< you did the right thing =]

kurlyfries222 0
kurlyfries222 0