By kdeeeceee - 09/11/2011 05:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I had dinner at my boss's house. Just before we were ready to eat, my girlfriend came to me with a desperate look in her eyes. Apparently, she took a dump, clogged the toilet, and it flooded. I took the hit for her, and now my boss thinks I'm a jackass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 529
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shitty situation? Wait, no, that joke sucks. But look at it this way: At least you're a gentleman! And a jackass..

Man, you're a gentleman ! So cute to do that. :)


TKello 6

Awww, that's really sweet. Shitty, but sweet! :)

This could be tema to a new Bruno Mars song. Lyrics would be " babe i'll take a shit for you"

its your boss, that means it is more important he likes you, therefore you shouldn't have taken the hit.

Vaginabutter 15
perdix 29

You should have thrown your girlfriend under the bus. Now, your boss is going to think that you can't even manage your own shit, so why would he let you manage people?

DawnMarie11 0

I agree but it was sweet of him to take the fall. And if he gets fired for that, that would just be awful. He is a hero in the eyes of his girlfriend.

perdix 29

I doubt he'll get fired, but I do think it may affect his future. Maybe he'll be up for a promotion and the boss will pass him over thinking, "Something about him just doesn't smell right." Go Badgers!

Who takes a shit at your bosses house! Dump her shitty ass cheeks

perdix 29

Women can put the call of Nature on hold almost indefinitely. Their power to do it borders on magical. Some women will only go to the bathroom at home, so they can hold pee and poop for hours until they get to the allowable toilet. If a girl you like seems odd at some point, she's probably been holding in a massive dump for 3 hours and won't be getting rid of it for two more! I'm so happy to be a guy who goes the moment the urge hits.

If it's enough to clog a toilet chances are she'd been holding it for a while...or it was explosive.

I must say I am impressed that your girlfriend, who I am sure is a delicate little thing can power dump and clog a toilet! What did she eat before hand? A wheel of cheese?

taybail 0

Hey that was nice of you to take the hit. She shouldve held her shit inside until after, if ya know wat i mean.

Why wouldn't we know what you mean? That phrase only applies when you're being somewhat ambiguous.

kodinbug 2

What a gentleman!! Your a great boyfriend:)