By unfucked - 26/08/2012 23:18 - Australia - Mona Vale

Today, my girlfriend and I reconciled after having a huge fight last week. We went out drinking, and things got pretty intense, so we went back to my place. We made it to the bedroom, but somewhere between her taking off my shirt and me taking off her pants, we both passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 968
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psych101 9

Better both of you than just her. How would you have felt then?


I hope this is the worst FYL you ever experience.

thetguy 4

It's the thought that counts!

celine21_fml 0

Lol the thought of having sex?

thetguy 4

The thought of making up haha

When you passed out, did you land between her legs? If so, it still kinda counts. At least, that's what I heard from the fat douche down the street.

MichellinMan 20

*wakes up, looks down* Bullseye!

jimshrimp 0

does this even qualify as an FML? this is just stupid.

MichellinMan 20

Or maybe just you passed out, and she had drunk sex with with your intoxicated body. But both of you probably just passed out.

missamazinggg 12

I have to ask, what is a snail trail?

missamazinggg 12

A girl sliding across a surface? I can't think of a way to phrase it cleanly.

night_saint 5

You spent the night with her though, right? If you made up, you'll probably get some next time.

You may have passed out, and actually had made up, but just don't remember it.

FirebirdF350 7

The fml says they reconciled, obviously he, at least, remembers

She may remember the drinking..... But she may not remember that you were going to have sex

I can't fully appreciate your comment because of your profile pic! It's like saying you are disgustingly excited about morning sex! :)

Haha! Morning sex, with double hangovers? Uh, okay then...

59 - Excited about morning sex, disgusted by morning breath.

Hey, props for being able to remember all that while drunk.